Friday, October 26, 2012

A new study found that people with more serious diabetes are twice as likely to use complementary medicine such as a dietary modifications and supplements than those with less severe forms of blood sugar issues.
More than one in three people with diabetes look for help beyond pharmaceuticals. Those with "the most severe diabetes" as well as those with "a functional limitation resulting from their diabetes" were more likely to seek out alternative means of managing their condition, according to researchers at the Nation Institutes of Health.
"Self-Management is the cornerstone of overall diabetes management. More active self-management is generally believed to result in better metabolic control and higher quality of life while also being more cost effective than standard pharmaceutical therapies alone, "concluded the researchers.

12 different supplements were noted as being used:
  1. Glucosamine
  2. Fiber or psyllium
  3. Fish oil or Omega-3
  4. Flax seed oil
  5. Garlic supplement
  6. Ginseng Green tea pills
  7. Saw Palmetto
  8. Cranberry pills
  9. Evening Primrose
  10. Milk Thistle
  11. Lecithin

Patients said they sought out these options "because they believed conventional treatments did not help (or were to expensive), " the researchers noted.
The researchers made no effort to delineate the effectiveness of any supplement or  dietary intervention.

Fo more information on the list above prodcuts go to

Give me a call and let's talk further  650 291-0709 or 800 422-9660  Mon &  Fri 10:am- 12noon PT

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